
RAIQ Mandate

Founded in April 2005, the Regroupement des arts interdisciplinaires du Québec is a non-profit organization that brings together and represents companies, broadcasters and artists working in interdisciplinary arts in Quebec. Its mandate is to defend the professional interests and to improve the socio-economic conditions of its members.

By initiating activities such as information, concertation, networking, promotion and professional development, the RAIQ is actively engaged in the advancement and the practice of inter-arts across Quebec.

In the long run, the RAIQ aims to make a significant contribution to the cultural sector by expanding opportunities for exchange and collaboration between the various arts sectors within Quebec and beyond; by increasing public awareness of these emerging art forms; and finally, by obtaining a well deserved recognition of the interdisciplinary art forms from the most relevant public institutions.

Interdisciplinary Arts

A definition of interdisciplinary arts was presented and adopted at the Interdisciplinary Arts Professionals and Practitioners Assembly on February 24, 2005. This definition reads as follows: an artistic practice that integrates the knowledge, skills and ways of thinking deriving from two or more artistic and non-artistic disciplines whose languages and vocabularies are inter related.

The RAIQ is a member of :

Conseil de la formation continue art et culture de l’île de Montréal (CFC) ;
Please refer to the recommendation letter tabled by our president at the Renewal of Quebec’s cultural Policy Bureau and at the Ministry of Culture and Communications.